Ghana. Ghana is the second largest producer of gold in Africa. In Ghana, approximately half of the 250,000 people directly involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mines (ASGM), are women. The Golden Line is a 5-year programme working towards economic empowerment of these women living in and around ASGM in the Western Region of Ghana. Read
Friends of the Nation, with support from IIED, is convening a dialogue with people involved in Ghana''s artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector.. As part of the dialogue event, participants will meet with artisanal miners and others working in artisanal mining operations at the community level.
Ghana’s mining communities are still not getting their just dues. Ghana has gold, diamonds, bauxite, manganese, salt, limestone, granite and oil. Its mining and quarrying sector contributes significantly to its economy. It is the second-largest gold producer in Africa after South Africa and the tenth-largest producer in the world.
Jul 04, 2018 The purpose of this paper is to explore how and what drives corporate social responsibility (CSR) in host communities of mining companies in developing countries.,To address this knowledge gap, this paper used Ghana as a test case and conducted 24 in-depth interviews with participants drawn from mining host communities.,The paper discovered that while CSR is broadly
Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) Section 81-99 Regulation 476 of L.I. 2182 Way Forward Community Mining Current Strategies Blocked Out Areas Geological Investigations Increase Presence of MC on the ground Alternative Livelihood Project Application of Modern Technology
Small-scale mining is essentially an artisanal or small industrial form of raw material extraction. In Ghana, there are about 300 registered small-scale mining groups and they constitute a major
unfavourable impacts, considered as abuse of human rights of people in mining communities. With several constitutional and institutional reforms, there was increased in the growth of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and awareness of human rights in the mining communities of Ghana also.
and Sustainable Development in Ghana Article 3 January 2013 The Impact of Gold Mining on Local Farming Communities in Ghana Emmanuel Yamoah Tenkorang University of Cape Coast, Ghana, [email protected] Patrick Osei-Kufuor University of Cape Coast, Ghana, [email protected]
About Us. Wacam is a premier community based human rights and environmental mining advocacy NGO in Ghana with a community-based focus. Formed in 1998, Wacam has worked to respond to the social, environmental and economic problems that had resulted from the increased mining investment of the third gold rush.
Environmental Impacts of Mining: A Study of Mining Communities in Ghana. Albert K. Mensah 1, , Ishmail O. Mahiri 1, Obed Owusu 2, Okoree D. Mireku 3, Ishmael Wireko 4 and Evans A. Kissi 5
mining community benefits in ghana: a case of unrealized potential ameliorate the situation by better channeling those revenues at the local level towards more sus- tainable and diversified employment creation, which is the overriding source of frustration for locals.
mining community benefits in ghana: a case of unrealized potential ameliorate the situation by better channeling those revenues at the local level towards more sus- tainable and diversified employment creation, which is the overriding source of frustration for locals.
Ghana’s mining communities are still not getting their just dues. Ghana has gold, diamonds, bauxite, manganese, salt, limestone, granite and oil. Its mining and quarrying sector contributes significantly to its economy. It is the second-largest gold producer in Africa after South Africa and the tenth-largest producer in the world.
The object of this paper is to ascertain the level of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) compliance of mining companies in selected mining communities in Ghana. Over the past three decades, Ghana has demonstrated considerable commitment to the conservation and management of bio-physical and socio-cultural environment.
Illegal mining and inappropriate use of agrochemicals have exacerbated surface water pollution in Ghana. The quality of water has changed, and knowledge of their current condition is important for
IN THE MINING COMMUNITIES OF TARKAW , GHANA Edward Attimo Amihyiah KWESI, Peter Ekow BAFFOE and Kwame TENADU Ghana OUTLINE FOR PRESENTATION Introduction Land Rights and Ownership in Mining Communities • Customary and Statutory Tenure Systems • Impacts on Land Acquisition Materials and Methods Observations and Discussions
Jul 04, 2018 The purpose of this paper is to explore how and what drives corporate social responsibility (CSR) in host communities of mining companies in developing countries.,To address this knowledge gap, this paper used Ghana as a test case and conducted 24 in-depth interviews with participants drawn from mining host communities.,The paper discovered that while CSR is broadly
Ghana’s mining communities are still not getting their just dues. Ghana has gold, diamonds, bauxite, manganese, salt, limestone, granite and oil. Its mining and quarrying sector contributes significantly to its economy. It is the second-largest gold producer in Africa after South Africa and the tenth-largest producer in the world.
In total, the mining sector contributed 43 per cent of export revenues in 2017. But mining communities in Ghana are generally poor. Mining imposes socio-economic costs on host communities through land acquisitions, environmental degradation, pollution and a high cost of living.
Accra, July 21, GNA
Jul 04, 2018 The purpose of this paper is to explore how and what drives corporate social responsibility (CSR) in host communities of mining companies in developing countries.,To address this knowledge gap, this paper used Ghana as a test case and conducted 24 in-depth interviews with participants drawn from mining host communities.,The paper discovered that while CSR is broadly
Friends of the Nation, with support from IIED, is convening a dialogue with people involved in Ghana''s artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector.. As part of the dialogue event, participants will meet with artisanal miners and others working in artisanal mining operations at the community level.
In Ghana, the endemic nature of Buruli ulcer in communities adjacent to mining activities suggests that proximity to artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is a risk factor for this disease, as is the case of the higher prevalence of Buruli ulcer in the Amansie West District.26 An increased risk of infection was not associated with direct participation in mining or contact with mine pit
The majority of small-scale surface miners in Ghana wash the waste products from the ore into rivers and other water bodies that served as sources of clean and portable drinking water to the mining communities (Obiri et al. 2010). Others too release mine tailings directly
The Minerals and Mining Amendment Act 794 puts the royalty rate application at 5% of gross revenue of minerals. Mr. Amewu’s revelation is in line with the Ghana Chamber of Mines’ advocacy for the royalty returned to mining communities to be increased to 30%. Currently, 80% of mining royalties go to the government, 10% to the Minerals
Jul 04, 2018 The purpose of this paper is to explore how and what drives corporate social responsibility (CSR) in host communities of mining companies in developing countries.,To address this knowledge gap, this paper used Ghana as a test case and conducted 24 in-depth interviews with participants drawn from mining host communities.,The paper discovered that while CSR is broadly
A linking-and-learning visit to Saaman, a mining-impacted community in the Fanteakwa District of Ghana’s Eastern Region, afforded SPACES FOR CHANGE / S4C an opportunity to learn about other advocacy approaches resource-rich communities in the West African sub-region are using to push for environmental justice and community participation in natural resource governance.
mining communities and others who have the capacity – by working together – to make a solid, global mining industry that will contribute to the economy and the society. In the decade since, mining has been an important part of Ghana’s macroeconomic progress. Even with a cyclical drop in the price of gold, mining still accounted for 19 per
A community challenges a mining company in Ghana, and wins! Children play on mining rock waste dump in Dormaa Kantinka, Ghana. (Photo: Wacam, 2017) Oxfam supports a community to secure their rights after being displaced by a mining operation. This post was written by Francis Agbere, Extractive Industries Programme & Campaigns Manager for Oxfam
Accra, July 21, GNA
Jul 04, 2018 The purpose of this paper is to explore how and what drives corporate social responsibility (CSR) in host communities of mining companies in developing countries.,To address this knowledge gap, this paper used Ghana as a test case and conducted 24 in-depth interviews with participants drawn from mining host communities.,The paper discovered that while CSR is broadly
In order to better understand the benefits of CBAs to mining communities, we situate our study within the broader context of the political economy of mining and mining governance in Ghana. Within this context, we visited three mining sites in Ghana in April 2018, Newmont Ahafo, Golden Star in Bogoso, and AngloGoldAshanti in Tarkwa.